Learning Specialist Program

SAEO understands that managing the many different aspects of college life is a daunting task for many students. Part of SAEO's mission includes helping registered students develop college-level academic and learning skills. To accomplish this goal, we created the Learning Specialist Program, where students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with an assigned Learning Specialist.

What is a Learning Specialist?

Learning Specialists are professional staff and graduate students who are overseen and supervised by a senior member of the SAEO team. Learning Specialists are specifically trained to work with students with disabilities on a variety of skills that are important to academics including:

  • Social and institutional support
  • Academic skills related to organization and meeting class expectations (i.e., time management, study skills, test-taking skills)

Learning Specialists do NOT provide therapy or counseling services related to mental or physical health, provide content instruction (tutoring), approve accommodations, or interact with instructors regarding accommodation needs. They will, however, help students connect with the appropriate offices when such support is needed.

How do I see a Learning Specialist?

During certain portions of the year, access to the Learning Specialist program requires a case manager referral. Contact your case manager to request a referral. When availability begins to open up as the year progresses, we will email all eligible students who may then self-refer.

How often can I see a Learning Specialist?

Students can receive up to 5 learning specialist support sessions per semester. Each session is up to 30 minutes in length and all sessions are conducted in person or virtually by  Zoom.

Any specific questions about the program can be directed to saeols@vcu.edu.