Common Accommodation Questions
The below sections provide additional information about some of our accommodations, in response to more commonly-posed questions. Additional questions should be directed to the student's case manager, unless other contact has been provided.
For any questions related to testing accommodations, such as how to schedule an exam (students) or submit an exam to be proctored (instructor), please contact
- Additional Time for Assessments:
A timed testing accommodation accommodation applies to any timed assessment, including, but not limited to, a test or quiz. These accommodations modify time provided once an assessment has been initiated, but do not modify windows of time granted to initiate take-home assessments, or modify untimed assessments.
It does not apply to untimed or open-ended assessments, which can be completed at any time during a time frame longer than three (3) days.For any questions related to testing accommodations, such as how to schedule an exam (students) or submit an exam to be proctored (instructor), please contact
Students: To schedule your exam in the Testing Access Center, you must (1) discuss with your instructor the specific date and time and (2) request a Test Appointment on the SAEO website a minimum of one week prior to the date (two weeks prior for final exams). Students test in the Testing Access Center on the same day and time as their class unless the instructor has approved an alternative date or time, for example, because of a schedule conflict or the course meets when the Testing Access Center is closed.
Instructors: Once the student schedules their timed assessment with us, we will send you a confirmation email. This will allow you to submit a copy of your assessment to the Testing Access Center, along with all of your instructions for proctoring (including bathroom break restrictions, specific start and stop times), consistent with the requirements for all students in your course.
Instructors: This accommodation applies to all timed quizzes, tests, exams. Once the student schedules their exam with us, we will send you a confirmation email. This will allow you to submit a copy of your exam to the Testing Access Center, along with all of your instructions for proctoring. Please be as detailed as possible if you have any special instructions (i.e., no bathroom breaks, specific start times) so we can proctor the exam to your specifications.
- Rescheduling Exams:
Some students may experience unexpected symptoms that would prevent them from sitting for scheduled assessments such as tests or quizzes. This accommodations grants students the ability to reschedule assessments when disability symptoms prevent their completion.
A request for a make-up test, exam or other assessment must be made before the scheduled start of the test, exam or assessment unless the student's disability prevents them from making the request by that time. If a student's disability prevents them from making a request before the scheduled start, then the student must contact the instructor to request a make-up promptly upon regaining the capacity to engage in academic activity, within 1-2 days of resuming academic activity.
For questions regarding a student's approved accommodations that should be provided in the classroom, or which impact course policies, consult their case manager or email
- Additional Absences
Unless otherwise noted on the front of a student’s letter this accommodation typically provides for two (2) additional absences beyond what is allowed in the syllabus with additional absences permissible at the discretion of the instructor. It does not provide unlimited absences. This is based on a standard fall/spring semester for a class that meets 2-3 times per week. The total number of additional SAEO-approved absences may be reduced for classes meeting 1 time per week or for intensive summer and winter sessions. This should be clearly discussed at the beginning of the semester between the student and the instructor. SAEO may be contacted to determine what would be considered reasonable.
If a student has accrued a number of absences deemed excessive or if additional absences may fundamentally alter the essential requirements of the course, an instructor may contact SAEO for guidance and/or use their own discretion on how to proceed.
- Assignment Extensions
- Please note: This accommodation does not apply to quizzes, tests, or exams.
When requesting an extension on assignments, students should contact their instructor a minimum of 24 hours ahead of the due date (unless their accommodation states otherwise or 24 hours advance notice was not possible). Unless otherwise noted on the front of this letter or agreed upon with the instructor, extensions are typically 48 hours. The newly agreed upon date will serve as the official due date and regular penalties may be implemented for an assignment turned in after that time.
If the student’s frequent request for extensions negates stated objectives or alters essential requirements of the course, an instructor may contact SAEO for guidance.
- Audio Recording:
The accommodation of permission to record audio during class or access class recordings allows students with disabilities to have an equal chance to receive and process information presented in class.
Permission to record or access class recordings is not a substitute for the student's own notes, attendance, and/or participation in class. Students have been informed that the recordings they create are limited to academic use, and that sharing, redistributing, or using for non-academic purposes falls outside of the approved use of their accommodation.
- Volunteer Note Taker
It is the student’s responsibility to inform their instructor as early in the semester as possible if they require a peer note-taker. It is also the student’s responsibility to notify SAEO if they intend to seek a peer note taker for a specific course. The professor may assist by making an announcement or sending an email to the class that there is a student in need of a copy of the class notes. The student’s name should never be disclosed to anyone, including the volunteer note-taker. Any member of the class who would be willing to provide notes should contact the SAEO Office ( to discuss the details of this volunteer position.
Given that the provision of this accommodation is based on the availability of a volunteer, SAEO cannot guarantee that one will be available. If a note taker is not identified, the student should contact SAEO to discuss other reasonable options including recording lectures, note-taking skills training, the use of assistive technology, etc.
Some students may be approved for the use of assistive technology, or for access to specific services that allow for access to course media. Please contact or for questions, and please grant students access to these tools where approved.
Alternative Formatting
- Some students are approved for materials in alternative format so that they can access all classroom materials, including those that would otherwise not be accessible for a variety of reasons. These items require formatting in advance through the SAEO office; therefore, the student and instructor should work together to try and gather all material requests in advance of their use. Textbooks requests should be submitted by the student 4 weeks prior to the start of the semester, and other classroom material requests should be submitted 2 weeks in advance of their use/due date. Shorter timeframes may result in delays to access to materials.
- Some students may be approved for accommodations to receive the services of live captioning or ASL interpreting services during class. This will be noted on their accommodations letter.
In some cases, students approved for this accommodation may not seek to use this service in each class. Should you see an accommodation for these services in a student’s accommodation letter, please contact for support, and confirm with the student whether they will seek to access this service during your course.
- Some students may be approved for accommodations to receive the services of live captioning or ASL interpreting services during class. This will be noted on their accommodations letter.