Accommodation Letters

Important Update: You will now be able to request your accommodations to apply to specific classes. As a result, you will need to request a new letter each semester.

Once you have been formally approved for accommodations by a member of the SAEO team, you may request a copy of your accommodation letter. In this request, you will be able to select which accommodations you would like to apply to each of your classes. We will then email a copy of your letter directly to your official VCU e-mail.  It will then be your responsibility to provide your instructor with the accommodation letter as soon as possible (ideally the first week of the semester). We also encourage you to make an appointment to discuss your accommodations with your instructors to work out any important details and arrangements. We encourage you to distribute your accommodation letter to your instructors during the first week of classes. Please keep in mind, accommodations are not retroactive and will go into effect only after sharing your letter with your instructors.