Testing Access Center Resources
- SAEO Testing Accommodations apply to all timed quizzes, tests, and exams.
- SAEO office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. TAC closes at 5 p.m. and all tests will be collected at that time.
- Students should first discuss the parameters of their exams with their professors prior to scheduling with SAEO.
- All quizzes/tests/exams should be scheduled at least 1 week in advance, (2 weeks for final exams) in order to ensure space is available and there is time to contact professors for testing materials and instructions.
- SAEO may not be able to proctor quizzes/tests/exams that have not been scheduled in advance.
- Please see the following page for information on applying extended time accommodations for online quizzes/tests/exams.
- Students should always be testing on the same day and time as their class. However, if there is a scheduling conflict (i.e. back-to-back classes, or an evening class that falls outside of our office hours), the student will need the professor’s permission to test on an alternate date/time.
- Once your student has received confirmation of their appointment from SAEO, we will contact you with reminders to submit your testing materials and instructions through Accommodate.
- After the initial appointment is made
- 1 week prior to the appointment (if made in advance)
- The day before the appointment
- Testing materials and instructions may be submitted at any time during the semester for your student(s). And materials and instructions may be applied to multiple students. Please see the instructions on submitting quizzes/tests/exams for your student(s).
- Please provide a copy of your quiz/test/exam at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time.
- Quizzes/tests/exams will be returned by the method selected within 24 hours after completion (48 hours for final exams).
If your student has not provided you their accommodation letter or talked with you about their scheduled quiz/test/exam, please contact SAEO by email (saeotestadmin@vcu.edu) or phone (804-828-2253).
Faculty Accommodate Login Portal
Below is a step-by-step guide on how to submit your exams and/or exam instructions to SAEO if your student(s) requested to take their exam in the Testing Access Center.
- Log in to the Faculty Accommodate Portal
- On the left-hand side click on “Courses and SAEO Test Form”.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the course that you want to upload your exam for.
- Click on the “Submit Exams and/or Instructions” tab.
- Click on the “Add New Exam” button.
- Add a “Title” for your exam.
- It is not necessary but you can add a description of your exam. Example: Chapters 8 and 9.
- Check off if the Exam is a final. If the Exam is a final it will automatically generate the standard Final Exam Length (2 hours and 50 minutes).
- Select how many minutes your class has to take the test. Example: If your class is 2 hours you would select 120 minutes. Or if you are only allowing your class to have 30 minutes for an exam choose 30 minutes.
- Upload an attachment of your exam. Please note that if you have multiple attachments (such as an exam and a separate formula sheet) you will need to submit them one at a time. Please title your Exam 1 (1 of 4) this will allow testing staff to apply all of the different parts when they approve the exam for the student.
- Select a Start date and End date of your exam. Please note that if you only want your students to test on the same day as the class the start and end date can be the same date.
- Select if the exam is online.
- Choose a “Return Method” from the list.
- Please add any resources the student is allowed to use in the exam if any. Please note when choosing a Calculator or Formula Sheet click on the arrow on the right hand side and you will see a drop down menu of calculators/formula sheet info to choose from.
- In the additional information box, write down any information that the proctor should know in order to proctor per your requirements.
- Select if you want this test to apply to all of your SAEO students' records.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
If you are proctoring your exams virtually and need to extend exam time for individual students, Canvas and most other virtual proctoring platforms will allow you to make exceptions to your time limits on a student-by-student basis. Visit the links below for step-by-step instructions or get in touch with us. As always, if you have specific questions about implementing testing accommodations, you can contact us at saeotestadmin@vcu.edu to discuss.
How to extend the time allotted on an exam in CANVAS- Classic Quizzes
How to extend the time allotted on an exam in CANVAS- New Quizzes